By Yohali Reséndiz

The government of Cuauhtémoc Blanco has been marked by corruption since his inauguration as mayor and then as state governor.
After more than four years of government, what he criticized so much has surpassed even the previous government.
"I find a looted administration and a state abandoned by the current representatives who failed their promises and brazenly sold the dignity of all citizens."
The photograph of the governor taken inside the dining room of the church of Yautepec with leaders of criminal groups went around the world, denying his narco-government despite its absurd justification of dirty war, positions him as responsible for the wave of violence, kidnappings and murders in Morelos, where Huitzilac is the center of operations of at least 4 criminal groups and a mutant red light that last year registered 23 intentional homicides positioning it as the most dangerous municipality in the state, even in the crime of car theft and not only that, the federal highway Mexico - Cuernavaca is an area of criminal operations in which the State Security Commissioner, Jose Antonio Guarneros asked the population, "stop in restaurants, but not on the road. Do not stop in any desolate place at any time.
Not to mention the closeness with Esther Yadira Huitrón Vázquez and/or Rosario Herrera aka La Jefa, head of Guerreros Unidos and the infestation of criminal groups Tlahuica, Rojos, Guerreros Unidos, Sinaloa Cartel, the real owners and operators of the state. As a fact, half of the mayors of Cuauhtémoc Blanco's government have been linked to the narco.
In 2020, the Specialized Unit to Combat Kidnapping and Extortion (UECS) arrested 9 kidnappers in Huitzilac, with 30 municipal police officers guarding the area to provide security to more than 24,000 inhabitants and to combat the crimes of robbery of public transport and cargo and clandestine logging.
Blanco's responses to the media have been sinister, the narrative to basic questions, irresponsible and his favorite political game has been inanity and ineptitude, a discursive practice based on his lack of objective judgment, since he himself is not capable of understanding his failures.
Blanco's government, after four years, has not been able to fulfill its objectives, since his only experience in public administration was his time as mayor of Cuernavaca, where his promises of security, transparency and zero corruption, water, public lighting, recovery of public spaces, employment and transportation, tourism, potholes and sports were not fulfilled, and as governor of the state of Morelos, he has not had any growth other than in the black figures.
Under Cuauhtémoc Blanco, homicides increased in Morelos, revealed the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System.
"As a society we should never have become accustomed to violence or corruption."
3 thousand 976 people murdered in an intentional manner from 2019 to 2022 where the so-called Single Command headed by Antonio Ortiz Guarneros at the head of the State Security Commission (CES) has been the face of defeat.
"I have a commitment with each one of you who will be the center of action that will carry out the growth and security of Morelos, it will be my only priority."
The excesses in spending on social communication and advertising have been the axis of cynicism: from 2013 to 2016, one thousand twenty million pesos and from 2019 to 2022 it has spent 839 million pesos, sinking at the same time more than the population of the state, 50.9% in poverty and 8.4% in extreme poverty.
The paradise that could well have been the host of the world is seen as the amphitheater of the world.
Blanco has not preserved the approval required by his governors and the result in the short, medium and long term is contrary to his initial objective. That moment of taking the "right" course was another lie and the message to the women of Morelos where he promised that there would be no more femicides or gender violence has been his cruelest lie because according to the state Independent Human Rights Commission, from 2000 to 2022 the death toll for women registered 1,303 femicides and only in 2022, 107 femicides, the year with the highest number of murders in 22 years even with the Gender Violence Alert in 10 municipalities. As of Saturday, May 27, 17 femicides have been recorded.
The opinions expressed are the responsibility of the authors and are absolutely independent of the position and editorial line of Opinion 51.
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