By Yohali Reséndiz
After a process plagued with irregularities, months of lies, cheating and a media campaign for the ratification of the attorney general of (in)justice in Mexico City, Ernestina Godoy, today we say goodbye to her.
Goodbye, Ernestina.
Goodbye because we never had any doubt of your incapacity, insensitivity, negligence, corruption and impunity.
Your administration, Ernestina Godoy, should and must be remembered for the multiple obstacles you allowed for the victims who begged you for justice at the entrance to the prosecutor's office. For those who spent on pens, banners, tarpaulins and posters to expose their case and did so in desperation because you never complied in giving them justice or your team denied them an appointment for you to listen to them and instead, they were aggrieved by the institutional violence that was exercised while you remained in office.
A separate point, Ernestina, was your protection of "powerful" pedophiles such as Manuel Horacio Cavazos López, former judge of the Judiciary of the CDMX, your protection of Florencia Serranía, former official and head of the CDMX Metro at the time of the collapse of two cars of Line 12, and your covering up and keeping silent before a crucifixion: the imprisonment of Alejandra Cuevas after being accused by the prosecutor Alejandro Gertz of the crime of murder against her brother Federico Gertz.
Farewell, Ernestina Godoy, because you were the one who covered up the fact that Cuevas faced an unjust criminal process and was deprived of her freedom for more than a year for a crime she never committed.
Alejandra Cuevas is just one name in a long list of victims who received your disdain but not justice.
Yesterday was a historic day, because the victims and civil society, accompanied by the media and some legislators, put an end to you, said enough is enough and closed ranks to expose you and your terrible management.
The Morena deputies did not tire of praising your ineptitude, they soon forgot your phrase that you never tired of repeating: "I put the victims at the center", but you allowed Mariel Albarran to be removed from the Senate for confronting you with the truth, instead of giving her a space and making her voice heard, of course, it was not convenient for you.
In his case, you did not have arguments but orders.
Maybe you were right, the victims were at the center, but of the mess of the prosecutor's office you led.
The dozens and dozens of work tables were fruitless, the legislators who asked to speak to praise you Ernestina, have no idea of the day to day pilgrimage of the victims nor of their hell.
And although I do not doubt that there are those who call you today to thank you for what you have done for "the city", the truth is that Ernestina, you do not leave through the front door of the prosecutor's office but through the door where you leave with everything and your management: the back door and the door of oblivion.
Goodbye, Ernestina, Goodbye.

The opinions expressed are the responsibility of the authors and are absolutely independent of the position and editorial line of the company. Opinion 51.

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