By Valeria Villa
Naya and Goliath by Valeria Villa

On Wednesday, March 10, Nayeli Roldán, a reporter for Animal Político, attended the morning conference held every day (every day) by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

With boldness and courage, Nayeli questioned the Chief Executive about the use of a spying program (Pegasus) against civilians by the Ministry of Defense.

Several media published official documents confirming that SEDENA spied on civilians despite the fact that it was illegal. The journalist asked several times if López Obrador was informed and had authorized it. He answered no because he trusted the intelligence work. Nayeli insisted on the illegality of the spying and described the investigation that proves that the phones of 3 people were tapped. López Obrador said that only people who could be dangerous are spied on and that lives have been saved thanks to intelligence. Nayeli asked him, following his argument, how many lives were saved by spying on a human rights defender and two journalists. The president becomes irritated and responds by saying that Animal Político received money from the previous government. She insists that the spying is proven and asks him again the legal argument for doing so. He answers that they did not do it. Why, if they already know which are the media that are against the transformation. The president does not answer the question for the umpteenth time. He goes back to his catch phrases and launches more attacks. He accuses her of representing the conservative journalism of the corrupt who felt they owned Mexico. He decides to talk about how he was spied on in 1988 and shows a trade to prove it. The president has a talent for making it all about him.

Are they criminals and that's why you spied on them? she asks. He gets annoyed, tells her she is already making it up, still doesn't understand that Nayeli is just using the argument he gave her.

Nayeli talks about accountability and the President replies that she is not going to set the agenda. She reminds him that the morning show is a tribune for society. He insists that she is not going to set the agenda and attacks her again, this time more enraged: the press is sold out, biased, rented, they deceived everyone saying they were independent, and ends up saying "with all due respect", "I am answering you".

She dismisses that what she asks affects the people and adds that it is an invention and proposes to review how much money Animal Político was given in previous six-year terms.

The President is a bully.

Nayeli addresses whoever listens to the morning show to declare that journalism serves the citizens and that they publish evidence, not inventions. She reminds the president that the media he accuses of being biased published evidence about the Peña Nieto government's espionage and investigations such as the "Estafa Maestra" (Master Swindle). López Obrador insists on asking how much money they used to give them and she asks him to show how much money they now give to selected media.

Nayeli Roldan's mettle, professionalism and fortitude are impressive. The democratic exercise that the morning conference should be is a showcase for the president to listen to himself for 3 hours, to listen to those who praise him but evidently not to listen to a journalist who asks him questions over and over again, waiting in vain for an answer. The president thinks that investigative journalism is an instrument to attack his government. He exercises his power abusively. He interrupts Nayeli and instead of answering her questions, in an act of accountability, he attacks her again and again as a representative of Animal Político. The president harasses the journalist discrediting her saying "because they are enemies of transformation". The president shows again and again paranoid traits, ad-hominem attacks, no argument, pathological protagonism, distracting maneuvers and the use of the phrase with all due respect as a clumsy attempt to cover up his aggressions. Nayeli gives a lesson on how not to get hooked, not to defend oneself with aggression and not to answer absurd accusations.

This exchange between Naya and the President is a metaphor for the abuse of power. The President, who says that the fourth transformation is feminist, shows absolute contempt for the journalist's statements. The President who says that feminists only seek protagonism, as if they were not looking for their dead relatives and companions, seems to believe that Nayeli also seeks the same by trying to "impose the agenda" to harm him. Andrés Manuel does not understand that his function is to serve the citizens.

He seemed increasingly angry, questioned and elegantly cornered by a young journalist who is looking for answers from the supreme head of the armed forces who says he knows nothing but trusts the intelligence services. Besides being misogynist, the president knows nothing.

Nayeli Roldán became our most recent heroine by showing with her example that power can be confronted. By showing the ignorance of the head of the Mexican State on issues that impact freedom of expression and the integrity of citizens.

It is eloquent the machismo of a man who abuses his authority, who becomes the protagonist in front of uncomfortable questions and who attacks, attacks and attacks as the only strategy to respond, realizing that he was exposed in his ignorance on delicate issues for the rule of law of the Republic.

Naya Roldan is the highlight of this week of commemoration of women who fight, who make their voices heard and who demand respect and truth.

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