By Susana Moscatel

Here are a few fun facts before I begin my diatribe. Big Brother, the original Endemol program, premiered in the Netherlands in 1999. It took almost no time at all to arrive in Mexico and we started with it on March 3, 2002. The brilliant film, The Truman Show premiered in 1998 and well, George Orwell's book 1984 was first published in 1949. One more fact? Andy Warhol said, in a pamphlet made to promote one of his exhibitions the phrase "In the future, everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes". The year was 1968.

No one, no one, no one, can say that we were not warned. But here we are anyway, trying to live our best lives, accepting the "Terms and Conditions" of everything we want right away without reading what it implies and yes, having to find out, much to our regret in many cases, who are the characters that inhabit a house that Televisa and Endemol filled with cameras, conflicts and cheap and dangerous controversies.

Women at the forefront of the debate, leading the way to a more inclusive and equitable dialogue. Here, diversity of thought and equitable representation across sectors are not mere ideals; they are the heart of our community.