
By Sonia Serrano

Jalisco, like other states in the country, is going through a water crisis, which has worsened during the six-year term headed by Enrique Alfaro Ramírez, due to a series of mistakes and bad decisions, with corruption as the icing on the cake.

One of the issues that have marked the water agenda in the state is the scarcity and poor quality of water in the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area, this conglomerate of nine municipalities where more than half of the state's population is concentrated.

Four of these municipalities, Guadalajara, Zapopan, San Pedro Tlaquepaque and Tonalá, are integrated into an inter-municipal system that is responsible for water supply, drainage and treatment. Other municipalities such as Tlajomulco de Zúñiga, Juanacatlán and El Salto are also in the process of incorporation.

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