By Soledad Durazo

I don't know what surprises me more: that the rulers lie shamelessly or that I am still surprised by their lies.
And perhaps I still witness with surprise that many people believe in these words without questioning. Do they accept them because it suits them, because they want to believe, because they do not want to accept that they were wrong to give their trust to one of them or because they have no malice?
Accepting because it is convenient does not necessarily mean believing in what is said, but it does ensure that certain privileges are maintained or attained, and this can be achieved by swimming in the dark or what is the same thing: without making waves, without fighting back. Here we have the group of the convenencieros.
Making the decision to believe in what someone says is an act of faith, of fidelity, perhaps accommodating; without questioning or questioning oneself because it is hard to accept that we are wrong or because we bet on a project, we made a public commitment or in our inner self that everything was forward, without admitting mistakes.
Not accepting that we have been wrong about something or someone often means accepting our own defeat and self-disqualification. To be judged or to know we are innocent is to accept our own vulnerability. Between ignorance and innocence, it is better to say here you did not know than here you believed and you failed.
Now, what does someone who makes statements that he knows to be untrue seek?
Undoubtedly, to make a profit.
How do you profit from public affairs?
Maintaining a discourse, feeding the hope of some who in their naivety or need, being able to believe and hope lightens the burden of the present.
What kind of individual embodies the one who sustains a lying speech and promises again what he knows he will not deliver?
Someone perverse, unscrupulous and who has come to believe his own lies.
So, if you believe your own lies, is it because you have lost your mind?
Maybe. But what it has undoubtedly lost is shame. And -as the phrase attributed to José N. Santos says:He does not know how much he has gained who has lost his shame.
Who in their right mind claims that in four months they will do what they could not do in 5 years? President López Obrador reiterated that next year we will have one of the best or the best healthcare system in the world.
What should we understand by one of the best or the best healthcare system in the world?
For starters and according to the classification made by the World Health Organization, compete with the top 10 where they are located: France, Italy, San Marino, Andorra, Malta, Singapore, Spain, Oman, Austria and Japan.
Of course, we will also have to wait for automated systems to make appointments, to receive first class attention with sufficient infrastructure and personnel, that emergencies are attended as such, that there is no lack of medicine and... Many more things that we do not have now.
Will anyone believe the President?
Of course they do, they believe him because it suits them, because they want to believe, because they do not accept that they were wrong to give him their trust or because they are not evil.
They also believe him because hope is the nourishment of reality, especially when it is complicated.
The opinions expressed are the responsibility of the authors and are absolutely independent of the position and editorial line of the company. Opinion 51.

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