By Sofia Ramirez, Director of @MexicoComoVamos

There are few things as shocking as someone telling you something you consider false. When a flat-earther on social media makes a video to prove his theory, there are thousands of users who ridicule him. Sometimes it's funny because it seems obvious to us that this person is wrong; but we just move on without asking ourselves why a person in the 21st century would doubt that the earth is round. Maybe that's a conversation we should all have. Is it a religious belief? Was it the type of education he received? Is he afraid of falling into the void?

Let's take the side of the person who is wrong according to the majority opinion. No one wants to be the dissenting voice in a room full of like-minded people who believe they are right. It's like saying that God doesn't exist at a religious retreat, or that you defend the right to abortion at a family meal. Good luck in engaging in dialogue; what you'll get is collective condemnation.

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