By Sandra Romandía

The scene - experienced by a close friend - tells the story of the times we live in:

-We of the PT had to go to some agencies to explain the logistics: which trucks, where they would leave from, what the payment would be, and what the trip to Mexico City would consist of if they attended.

-And how many people did they get," he asked.

-We already have about 500, but we should have more," he replied.

At the same time, a relative told me that her friends would go to the Mexican capital this past Saturday from Hermosillo, Sonora, with a per diem of 1,500 pesos, transportation, meals and drinks in order to attend the march for the supposed commemoration of the 85th anniversary of the oil expropriation.

Women at the forefront of the debate, leading the way to a more inclusive and equitable dialogue. Here, diversity of thought and equitable representation across sectors are not mere ideals; they are the heart of our community.