By Sandra Romandía
We live in times of contradictions and parallel realities, where official statements contrast with the crude truth that is revealed in the darkest corners of our country. There is a truth that hurts us but is true: there are few corners of Mexico that are not controlled by crime, and I am not only referring to drug trafficking, but to the criminal groups that are already engaged in various crimes, far from the production and transfer of drugs.
Recently, journalist Axel Chávez uncovered - in an investigation for Emeequis, the digital media that I edit - an uncomfortable reality that has been latent in Querétaro and Hidalgo: the presence of cartels, specifically the group known as Los Hades. Originally from Hidalgo and with a marked presence in Queretaro, this criminal group, also known as the Palmillas Cartel, has transcended from its beginnings linked to drug trafficking to diversify its crimes. Their meteoric rise is attributed to the drilling of Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) pipelines, an illicit business that catapulted them to cartel status due to the size of their operation and their firepower, according to federal security information. So what began as the sale of crystal meth in improvised squatted houses or precarious constructions made of wood and cardboard, soon became a major criminal enterprise. Political protection, especially entrenched in Hidalgo, allowed them to consolidate their presence and defy any attempt at eradication by the authorities.