
By Sandra Romandía

In this digital age, where information flows at the speed of a click and privacy seems to be just a faded illusion, we are faced with a scenario that borders on the surreal. It seems that in the vast territory of the network, the protection of personal data has become a kind of carnival game, where the vulnerability of each individual is exposed without compassion or regard. Mexico, a country of contrasts and paradigms, does not escape this trend, as evidenced by a series of recent events that border on the absurd.

The first act of this modern tragicomedy was performed by the President of the nation himself, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who in a gesture that defies all logic and prudence, displayed before the media the cell phone number of a New York Times journalist. The reporter, far from receiving answers to her questions, was immersed in a maelstrom of exposure that violated the most basic principles of respect and privacy.

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