By Sandra Romandía
It was 2017, after the hangover of the elections in four states of the country, when Delfina Gómez, as a former losing candidate for the governorship of the State of Mexico, came to the newsroom of the media outlet that I directed at the time. We invited her to interview her after a defeat that almost sounded like a triumph, with less than three points of difference against her opponent, the PRI candidate Alfredo del Mazo, who today governs the state and preserved the power of that party in a state without alternation.
We journalists are used to living under the yoke of the eternal attempt of impartiality and the training of not having philias or phobias, however it was inevitable to want to listen to this politician who was on the verge of snatching the chieftainship from the PRI. As in this electoral process, Ms. Delfina made few public appearances and had little contact with journalists.