By Rosanety Barrios

"We must have faith that, if the unthinkable comes to happen to us, our despair will arise uncontainable of its own accord. "Lionel Shriver

In his novel, Lionel Shriver presents us with the difficulty of facing a painful reality after the accumulated pressure has caused the explosion. It seems to me that, unfortunately, this is the condition in which the next government will find the state-owned oil company.

Much has already been written about the ups and downs, opacities, inefficient investments and successes of the oil company, which have ended up turning it into a burden for public finances.

I believe that it makes no sense to continue blaming any government for what it did or did not do. The only thing that is really important is that whoever governs this country begins his or her administration with a deep understanding of the financial, technical and operational state of Petróleos Mexicanos.

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