By Paola Rojas
A woman president. The time has come. As humanity we have left behind unjust and even cruel schemes of economic and social organization such as slavery. The oppression and abuse that was common in colonial times is now unacceptable. It took many years of protests, emancipation and battles to remedy this.
However, today there are still places where it is possible to possess, sell or exploit a person. It is enough that she is a woman. It is urgent to leave behind the deep-rooted inequality of patriarchy. It must be eradicated in its entirety, from subtle gender biases to lethal feminicidal violence. Today we do half of the paid work, but we continue to carry almost all of the domestic work. This is unfair and disproportionate. We no longer accept the normalization of this double workday. Enough of living exhausted, enough of economic violence, of harassment at work, of wage gaps and glass ceilings. No more sexual harassment, gender stereotypes and offensive and anachronistic discriminatory customs.