
By Pamela Cerdeira

After each mornings the question remained: to whom is the President speaking? Why is he attacking the media, why is he attacking the middle class? The most cautious voices argue that he speaks to his base, the mañanera is and has always been a model of communication for his base, besides being a work agenda for his team. Despite the fact that he speaks to his people, the media and the opposition fall for his communication tricks over and over again and gladly accept the grotesque agenda. Now that the focus is shared with her presidential candidate, the main question is who is Claudia talking to?

I detect different types of audiences, and before going into detail with each one of them, it seems to me that the main person Claudia speaks to is the president! Or at least it seemed that way while she was on the tightrope for being considered the candidate, and some thought that with her candidacy firm, Claudia could open her communication to other groups, perhaps with a much less radical model than that of López Obrador, but it has not been like that; She made it clear when she announced that she would go after the plan to have Supreme Court ministers elected by popular vote, and she painfully and insensitively recalled it when she repeated the same revictimizing discourse against the young people murdered in Guanajuato, falsely and unfoundedly trying to link them to a drug consumption issue. Claudia does not have to speak to another audience because it does not suit her, and she does not need to. There is not a single sign in the polls that says she should change her communication strategy, and separating herself from the official narrative today would be almost suicidal, López Obrador's propaganda power is so powerful that it can even withstand paper inaugurations in Comic Sans.

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