
Justice and power: the fight against impunity
In 2020, 1,577,327 matters were registered in state courts, but only 113,859 judgments were issued.

Bad news: UN denounces setback in women's rights
Despite the significant progress that has been made, in 2024 nearly a quarter of governments around the world reported a setback in women's rights.

Not all of us made it to the CSW
There is still a huge gap with respect to the participation and inclusion of women in their diversity

Double attempted rape: Cuauhtémoc Blanco case
It was not enough with the attempted rape of his half-sister, now with the complicity of his fellow members of the majority bench, he seeks to get away with it once again.

Monsters and the rollback of women's rights
The setback in women's rights is manifested through the increase in discrimination, the weakening of legal protection and the resources that governments should allocate to programs and institutions for the support and protection of women.

They created a monster, the CNTE is going for it all
The dissident teachers' union and its allies are going for everything and everything means the demands accumulated over the last quarter of a century.

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I do not want gender equality
Women are born the way we are born: diverse.

Unsettling complicity
Beyond the plot, what is disturbing is to recognize our complicity with this industry, which has existed and will probably continue to exist.

The family of the feminicide
Stephen Graham, Jack Thorne and Philip Barantini, created a gem. Their immersive style and approach make us forget at times that we are watching just another crime series.

Impossible Perfection: Reflections of a Mother in Korea
No matter how well behaved other people's children are, what really matters is that we understand that each child is unique.

The day the weight does not choose sides
Weight is the only health indicator that also alters our perception of ourselves.

The day the weight does not choose sides
Weight is the only health indicator that also alters our perception of ourselves.