By Olivia Medina
Last October I was fortunate enough to attend an amazing event organized by my friend Mari Carmen Obregón of Efecto Wow. She managed to bring Elizabeth Gilbert, author of "Eat, Pray, Love" to CDMX. It was the first time Liz came to Mexico to give a lecture that this time she titled "Creative Living" and that is based on living from curiosity instead of living from fear.
I loved that he has a "creative project" constantly and that it can last a year or more; the one he had recently was to connect with people, whoever crossed his path he would ask "What are you excited about in your life right now?" (instead of the weather, what you do for a living, the traffic or a thousand silly things or "small talk" as they say in the USA). It seems to me a beautiful way to re-connect, to touch people's souls, to feel their emotion when they tell you what sustains them in that specific stage of their lives.