
By Mónica Hernández

It is proverbial, it is recognized and praised all over the world and it is not questioned: the Mexican is kind. What does it mean to be kind? Worthy of being loved, according to the dictionary definition. Kindness for us refers more to cordiality, courtesy and gentleness than to the possibility or dignity of being loved. Are we Mexicans kind? Yes, because we consider ourselves worthy of being loved and we are also very polite. To the point of nausea. Even Octavio Paz couldn't figure out if it was because of our indigenous roots, our Spanish roots or because of the damn combination.

What foreigners don't know is that in reality a Mexican never knows how to say no. He can't, he doesn't want to, he doesn't know. That he can't, that he doesn't want to, that he doesn't know. It has been instilled in us, through generations, that offering a negative as an answer "is bad manners". When it should rather be the opposite. To make it seem that we know everything is unacceptable arrogance. That's the way we are doing.

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