By Marilú Acosta
The English language is an example of a successful language that has become a powerful communication tool in the world. There are currently 1.4 billion people who speak it and only 27% (380 million) of them are native speakers. It is the most spoken language in the world and the one with the most words (more than 750 thousand). It is so varied that within the same language there are different accents and the same word may not be recognized among different native speakers. The United Kingdom has the accents: Cockney, Yorkshire, Scottish, Welsh, Northern Irish. Outside the origin they have New York City, Boston, Southern, California, Canadian, General American, Australian, African, Caribbean, Indian and Asian, roughly speaking. In the movies we see some characters with very strong accents, but in the vast majority, the actors have diction masters so that they can understand their words. Every language has its own muscles, movements, puffs of air, rhythm, use of vocal cords, tonalities, so when you speak English, the right thing to do is to do it from yourself, because English is customizable. Nobody has the right accent, everybody is.