By Marilú Acosta
🎧 Audiocolumn

Once upon a time, there was an office where a meeting was called to initiate the digital transformation of the company. Some ended up satisfied to take the company into the future, others left confused for not having understood anything and the rest left the meeting between overwhelmed and cynical about what this meant.

The satisfied:

It's not that we are riding the wave of the digital revolution, we are creating the wave!

No, not the wave. We are creating the sea!

What a sea, we are building the water of the sea that makes the wave!

I love this feeling of future success, the certainty of being at the forefront, of setting an example for others. Leaders, we are leaders.

The confused:

How did they say we would integrate artificial intelligence?

They didn't say, they just asked us to analyze the artificial intelligence tools to see which one best fits the brand.

Are they going to bring back the intelligent building? One of those that are controlled by a killer machine, those scare me at night.

I still don't understand what digital transformation is, is it all peiperles? Are we going to be treated like cattle and have chips in our uniforms?

They already treat us like cattle with our employee card.

What do we have to do?

Never come to the next meeting.

The overwhelmed-cynics:

The problem is that they are not going to analyze well where they want to take the company, nor do they know the procedures to transform them, and they only want to use ChatGPT to show off that they have it and bots answering so they can make staff cuts.

The costumeryerni is going to become a nightmare.

I saw them already, rushing us for certification, pretending it works just to get the little stamp.

Did I tell you that I was copied in the mail from the developer agency of an App? They have pure major branding on their track record, and no good results; the other day I wanted to buy movie tickets, it doesn't work on release days.

Well, we'll pretend to work, will we qualify for the kuayetkuitin?

If they are not interested in good results, why should we be?

And so the digital transformation in any given office could be building.

I was recently asked what elements exist to affirm that artificial intelligence will not surpass us. My answer was: we do not have the certainty that it will not be able to surpass us. Today, after a tiring week in which I have been confronted with the supposed digital transformation of telecommunications companies, as well as local government, I realize that, although artificial intelligence has all the potential to surpass us in many aspects, to do so humans must understand well what artificial intelligence is, how to use it, how to train it and how to make a proper digital transformation. We are not there.

Digital transformation is neither a product nor a solution that you buy, which is what most companies and institutions are doing. Digital transformation is the process of changing something completely using digital tools. Digital tools are that software (program) that helps us interact with today's technology. Without apps, a smartphone is useless. Hence, digital transformation means adopting technologies through cultural changes by improving or replacing existing resources by interacting information technology with each sector. Adopting digital tools such as instant messaging services (answered by humans or by bots) or social networks, is not considered digital transformation, it is simply the use of digital tools. Nor is it digital transformation to ask an artificial intelligence to make an illustration or a story. We must remember that information technology began as a chisel and a stone, several millennia later it is also the smartest phone on the market, there has always been a technology that is the vehicle for interaction. The ability to interact is not given by the vehicle, it is given by our ability to transform and imagine new resources.

Are we ready for digital transformation? I don't think so. It takes us dozens of meetings and days to change from Yellow Phase 2 to 3, without daring to say: it was hours in Red Phase 1, and the speed of a volcano is very parsimonious. We still have ideas like: we need a bank, I am going to buy it, what are billions of pesos? They are still trying to create a non-existent fine by system, to have campaign funds and leave me without telephone and internet service for a week, because the bots cannot convince the technicians to physically check the cables. The future is not tomorrow, we still have a long way to go.


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