By Marilú Acosta
Phosphorescence is the property of certain substances to absorb photons, store them and emit them slowly, continuing even in the dark. Fluorescence absorbs photons and emits them immediately, without storing them, so that when there is no light (photons) the color is no longer visible. Phospho phospho tennis shoes are orange and rather fluorescent. However, a phosphorescent color is understood as a bright, shiny color, even if it does not store photons. The psychology of colors analyzes the effect they have on human sensations and behavior. Orange is a secondary color because it is the result of the mixture of red and yellow. It is a warm color that has many shades and thus its variety of effects. It is considered the color of excitement par excellence. Chosen by extroverted people for being cheerful and enthusiastic, while for shy people it is somewhat daring. It is the color of creativity, fertility, abundance and fluidity. The mind associates it with sweetness and makes you want to eat. It generates security and strength, in addition to stimulating desire. Some consider it frivolous, superficial, capricious and unconventional.
Orange can be easily seen in places with low light, that is why it is used for safety elements such as cones, triangles, vests, life jackets, and the "black" box of airplanes, it is actually orange. In other cultures it is associated with spirituality (Buddhism), the sacred color of the path to perfection (Hinduism), mourning (Egypt), the sunrise (Maya). The name of this color was established in Europe during the 16th century, due to the exotic fruit (orange) that arrived from Asia, a fruit that was associated with love, hence the search for "the half orange"; a hybrid between the fruit, the color and Plato's The Banquet or love (Athens, 427 - 347 BCE).