By Marilú Acosta
The current tenant of a Palace has repeated since 1996, when he blocked oil wells in Tabasco (because he defended the environment and the poor), words more words less: We are going to take from the rich to give to the poor, appropriating the Robin Hood archetype and so far he has represented Robin Hood to perfection.
Archetype comes from the Greek ἀρχέτυπον(arjetipon) formed by ἀρχή(arche, "fundamental element") and τύπος(types, "model"), i.e. fundamental model. In psychology, an archetype defines any manifestation of reality, for Jung (Switzerland, 1875 - 1961) there are 12 archetypes of personality. They have a symbolic value and interact with the collective unconscious. It is not necessary to reflect to crumble the symbol (Robin Hood) or to understand a slogan(we are going to take from the rich to give to the poor). Slogan, a word that comes from the Celtic "slaugh" (war) and "gheun" (shout), is a war cry, the core part that drives irrationality. A war is irrational because our whole system aims to survive and in a war the risk of dying is very high, therefore the symbols override all individual survival instinct to put unconsciously above our life the symbol, the supreme value, the concept, the common good, the promised welfare or a fourth transformation. Without any other words than the slogan, the collective unconscious immediately understands the symbols, responds in a primitive way by sacrificing everything, because the collective enters in soldier mode on the battlefield.