By Marilú Acosta
Saturn takes 29 years and 168 days to complete one lap of the sun, each lap is known in astrology as Saturn's return. This return represents a profound transformation in people's lives, it is the maturation of the seed. Saturn is the God who invents agriculture, he is the God of fertility, of the earth and of the farmer. Saturn is the beginning and the end, he is death and eternal life, he is the God of cycles, of returns and seasons, he is then the God of time. Kronos, his Greek representative, is the son of Gaea and Uranus; the earth and the sky, respectively. It is up to Kronos to overthrow Uranus, his father, hence Sigmund Freud (Czech Republic, 1856) uses as a metaphorical figure the killing of his father to describe the transition where we mature and leave our parents behind. Having been the son who kills his father, as soon as his children were born, Kronos devoured them to avoid being killed by one of them. Zeus is the first to be saved, by strategy of his mother, Rhea: wife and sister of Kronos.