By Marilú Acosta
🎧 Audiocolumn

How difficult to be a Goddess of Justice, to wear an elegant white robe and not be able to move, nor see when you menstruate. How many ways to treat the woman and her menstruation will not have seen happen? I think who decided her Greco-Roman dress, were men, Neta, in white? Her predecessor, Maat, Egyptian Goddess of truth, justice and cosmic harmony, lived in a society more sensitive to feminine concerns. Or at least they knew how to dye, in reddish-ochre tones, Maat's robe to cope with the menstrual cycle. 

When Ra decided for his daughter Maat, to be the guardian of justice, he never questioned her capacity to generate harmony and respect the truth because she was a woman. Ra never thought: oh, but what if in her days she becomes irrational, what will happen to the cosmic harmony? It was the opposite; understanding the essence of the universe, above the masculine energy, justice is feminine. Since then, the world has gone round and round like a village tombola.

Are we facing the menopause of Justice? Nobody understands what is happening to her. Nor does she herself. There is no one to diagnose her, nor prescribe an adequate treatment. She works tirelessly, as always, but now she feels exhausted. She has lost the illusion of living and the ability to sleep. The reforms have her with dryness in all mucous membranes and the tombola keeps her anxious. Will she have a headache? Let's use the tombola, to see if she gets it today or not. Will she have mood swings? Let's use the tombola. Will this cycle bring her down or not? The one that tastes good is the tombola. The tombola serves both to determine the how, when and what of the effects of the estrogenic decrease and absence, as well as to build a system of justice, according to the god, who says, he understands this of the people. 

But these gods are no longer made as they were before. They do not decide with the same rigorousness as when they were making the creation. Or maybe they are not the same, these gods are small, made of clay. They think they know more than those who created the universe. They call them onvres, but women also support their proposals, study them, replicate them and even defend them. On what grounds can gynecologists decide about a woman's body? With the power granted by the testicles. Female anatomy, physiology and bodily events are territories named by the male tongue. The signs and symptoms they will never experience have been described and explained by the male intellect. Very kindly and gentlemanly they explain to us, from their perspective, what happens to us and what we have to do.

Menopause, premenopause, postmenopause and climacteric are concepts determined by those who have never menstruated, nor stopped menstruating. The same thing has happened with justice, truth and harmony, those who do not know how to be fair, nor speak the truth and what they generate is disharmony. These men, who do not menstruate, feel satisfied with having conquered the feminine and the female body. These men, who are unjust, come to tell us about justice. They are the same men who speak as if they were the people, who rather than not wanting to lose their privileges, seek to amass as much as possible. Of women's health, and in general, it has never crossed their minds that something more than naming and describing could be required.

The absence of health services for female physiological processes is logical; since men do not need them, why create them? The absence of justice is foreseeable; since abusers do not need it, why promote and respect it? Mexican justice is menopausal and there are no services to attend it. The paradoxical thing is that it should grant itself the health reform that menopause needs. Because by popular vote and by a show of hands, neither justice nor menopause will be able to express the wisdom they keep.

@Marilu_ Acosta

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