By Marilú Acosta

The word corruption has as its origin corruptio, in Latin, which is the effect of altering, destroying, tearing to pieces, bursting; besides damaging, bribing or perverting someone, in both cases the time on the corrupt, only produces putrefaction. Undoubtedly, health is corrupt; and debate, not to mention. Debate means that two or more people discuss a subject from different opinions. To debate is to shake the words to separate, to find what is solid; it is to look for what is sustained from what has been said. In the first presidential debate of 2024 there was much ado about nothing. It is a good thing that the moderators waived the economic recognition for their presence, because to read the same questions over and over again, they might as well donate their time. The draw format, apparently democratic, did not allow us to really know the proposals and in health matters, no matter how much I shook their answers, the words fell off rickety twigs that do not even reach the fragile twig of the small bean you put in a cotton ball.
What did they say that was salvageable? Little to give my opinion, more like post-debate gossip. The gossipable: (1) Blockchain, (2) while rebuilding, (3) new Seguro Popular, (4) Ivermectin, (5) Fentanyl, (6) privatization is corrupt, (7) the health system in Mexico only has 3 institutions, (8) prevention equals going house to house, (9) training of doctors, (10) empowering nurses.
Blockchain: the only thing I liked, it is innovative and I consider viable. It is a great technology that has a way to grow its functions. First to pay for medicines in private pharmacies and then with the clinical history.
While rebuilding: The most serious mistake made by the 2018-2024 administration is to never think about the meanwhile. It destroyed (corrupted) the health system, thinking in their guajiras ideas, in building a health system like Denmark, without ever crossing their minds that people need the health system in function, not to be taken away while they play at being executive.
Nuevo Seguro Popular: it was created as a popular medical insurance, they forgot that people had to pay for the insurance, always with problems (not so serious) of medicines, but it solved a lot and it seems to me a good place to start... it will not be in the immediate future.
Ivermectin: the one responsible for conducting a massive unethical study with a drug that had no evidence-based justification, to give away election kits and without taking into account the great risks to the health of children in utero, is the one who claims to be a doctor and a scientist and never responded even though she promised to do so.
Fentanyl: it is urgent to differentiate fentanyl-medication from fentanyl-addiction-organized crime. The drug is necessary for anesthesia during surgical procedures and pain relief. Fentanyl addiction is rooted in Purdue Pharma's OxyContin, which unscrupulously doctors prescribed, stores sold and the drugmaker promoted as non-addictive. The U.S. court has already held them responsible.
Privatization is corrupt: this was repeated by the candidate who wants the continuity of an administration that promised to create a health system like Denmark's. The Danish system is not only decentralized, but here they want to control everything from the presidency. The Danish system is not only decentralized, but here they want to control everything from the presidency. They dedicate 11% of the GDP to it when Mexico gives less than 3% and it is private, that is to say, the doctors in the health centers are autonomous, they manage everything.
The health system in Mexico has only 3 institutions: IMSS, ISSSTE and IMSS-Bienestar, you forgot Pemex, SEDENA, Navy, the ISSSTES that some states have their own. And the IMSS is in fact private and I am not even supposed to be managed by the government, because the IMSS is supported by employer's quotas (private), by workers' quotas (private) and 33% are government quotas.
Prevention equals going house to house: aypaarfavaaarrrr, they do not have the slightest idea of what health is, nor prevention, nor health care.
Training of physicians: it is true, it is necessary to train physicians, but not by making everyone pass the admission exam. It is necessary to rethink medical education.
Empower nurses: they are already empowered, what needs to be done is to recognize them economically and without a doubt, it is not the nurses who will make the health system work.
As for the other health candidate, he did not propose anything for going around saying his children's names and talking about other issues. The best thing: awards are not results.
The opinions expressed are the responsibility of the authors and are absolutely independent of the position and editorial line of the company. Opinion 51.
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