
By Marilú Acosta

The current government has been in power for 5 years, which is equivalent to 1,826 days. During the mornings, calculated not counted, 134,185 lies have been told. That is 73.5 lies per day (including holidays and weekends). If only we could say that 3 lies are told per hour, but no, because the agenda of the chief executive is free after the mornings. Many of the lies are part of the strategy of "let's not lose the nice habit of explaining that I am the victim here", of "the bad guys in Malolandia are conservatives" and "they are attacking me because I have put an end to privileges". The other lies are those that cover up the evident incapacity to govern, to do things minimally well, to have only one objective: to perpetuate themselves in power, regardless of the results.

"We have already solved the medication issue", maybe it is more of a hallucination than a lie. It is evident that it has not been solved, nor is it close to being solved. In such a delicate issue as the supply of medicines, lies and waste are the order of the day. At no time has it crossed their minds to approach logistics professionals and to accept mistakes, not a chance. The new welfare idea is to create a super pharmacy with all the medicines in the world. As well defined by the RAE, an occurrence is an unexpected idea, thought, sharp or original saying that occurs to the imagination. And here we must emphasize that it occurs in the imagination, hence it is more accurate to speak of hallucination (RAE: subjective sensation that is not preceded by an impression on the senses), rather than lies. The problem with the occurrences of welfare is that they indebt society and only kick the problem to see if it is magically solved or conveniently forgotten by the people.

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