By Luisa Cantú

The final presentation of Tesla's new projects duringInvestor Day 2023 lasted about four hours. There were a dozen panelists and, of these, only two were women. This was noted and recounted by the Undersecretary for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Martha Delgado.
"The gender issue in particular is not very favored (in Elon Musk's company that will invest in Mexico).... I did make one comment to Mr. Musk and that is that we have to work on female leadership and gender equality in management positions as well," she told me in an interview for La Octava.
Women realize things that men do not, such as the gender gap, and we seek to solve it. Women in power means more women in power.
The figures confirm it: Mexico has improved three places in the Global Gender Gap Index thanks to women's growth in political participation. Parity in Congress and the increase of women at the head of positions in the Supreme Court, the presidential cabinet or state governorships coincides with the closing of the generalized gap: we went from 122nd place in 2021 to 113th place last year in economic participation and from 58th to 54th place in access to health services and life expectancy.
Our only pending issue is a woman in the Presidency of the Republic. Fortunately, there are plenty of raised hands, but there is a lack of projects. We need women who see issues that have been invisible until now. In my opinion, one of them is parenting.
To delve deeper into this issue it is important to say that it is an issue that has historically fallen on women but is not "women's" and, as the American writer bell hooks points out, has been invisibilized in public policy precisely because of this.
We assume that children belong to their families and therefore it is the responsibility of the family and not of the State and society as a whole to guarantee their well-being. The major error of this thinking is that it turns children into property and not into persons subject to their own rights, to whom the government has obligations.
The result of this is terrible, as another woman also discovered. In her report "Matar a un hijo" (Killing a child), journalist Alejandra Crail revealed that almost half of the homicides against children are committed by someone they trust, someone who should take care of them, such as their father or mother. Her investigation was made during the last six years, but during this one, the Network for the Rights of Children has reported 114,46 crimes against children, that is, 78 every day.
In her book "All About Love", bell hooks explains that abuse during childhood is difficult to overcome because it distorts the way we relate to other people: a violent childhood will normalize violence during adulthood. This is why it is an issue that should be a priority for the State, because it is the first point for the construction of peace.
"Parenting" or "motherhood" are words absent from the political platforms of the parties and from the speeches of the candidates.
My vote will go to whoever sees, names and deals with these words.
The opinions expressed are the responsibility of the authors and are absolutely independent of the position and editorial line of Opinion 51.
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