By Luisa Cantú

The only similarity between Omar García Harfuch, Morena's candidate for Mexico City, and Batman - nickname given to him by Green Congressman Jesús Sesma - is the ability to deploy resources. With a big difference in the result: Harfuch does not take off.
According to a report by reporter Siboney Flores, in the portal Animal Político, "in the last month and a half, thirteen Facebook pages spent more than 2.4 million pesos to promote the ex-Secretary of Security of the capital". These sites that pretend to be media, and in many cases even supplant their graphic identity, also make montages to attribute false news that favor Harfuch to other sources.
Researcher Alberto Escorcia also provided some data: at least 32 millionpesos were spent on viralizing an audio created with artificial intelligence in which an alleged voice of the head of government, Martí Batres, can be heard talking about the internal process. The audio favors Omar García Harfuch because it seeks to position the initial phrase: "they already sent me how she (Clara Brugada) is doing in the poll and she is way down". Let me explain: Morena will put women in the states where they have more competitive candidates, that is, if Clara is close to Omar they would have to put a woman in the CDMX, if she is "very low" then no. "Yes there is a pattern, like a kind of internal war in Morena because they are pages that support Morena but attack one or the other candidate", said Escorcia in an interview with Enrique Hernandez.
In another conversation with the media N360 and when asked "who are behind" the false audio of Batres, the researcher responded that it is a network of 700 pages that promote Harfuch and attack Clara Brugada and that "they are broadcasting 13 thousand ads from June to now ... for a total of 38 million pesos and specifically in attacks on other politicians (they have spent) 4 million pesos".
The same pattern is seen in the traditional media. The ARMA study, carried out by Oracles on media reputation, has registered during the last weeks a mostly positive coverage for Harfuch and negative for Clara Brugada. As an example, between October 23 and 29, the former Secretary of Security had 67% of good and 7% of bad notes and for the former Mayoress of Iztapalapa the behavior was exactly the opposite: 60% of negative notes against 27% positive.
Despite all of the above, Harfuch did not take off. According to the most recent poll by Lorena Becerra he would have 34% of the preference (of the general population) against 31% for Brugada, a technical tie.
Another important fact of this survey is that the Morena alliance would win the capital with 56% of the intention to vote, regardless of the names that they put forward. In an interview, Lorena Becerra explains that "basically when we see that there is a high intention to vote for Morena, what it has to do is that right now the party brand is weighing a lot, which is what people remember, the names still do not weigh so much".
The data indicate that Omar García Harfuch is not the candidate that would steal votes from the middle class and would better position Morena in Mexico City, he is a candidate that did not grow and that generated a wide rejection among the historical left in the Capital of the country. Listening to the data but above all to her base will be the first and definitive litmus test for Claudia Sheinbaum.
The opinions expressed are the responsibility of the authors and are absolutely independent of the position and editorial line of the company. Opinion 51.
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