By Lourdes Mendoza

Just as you are reading it...
Yucatan is not only a paradise per se for its cuisine, nature, culture, archeology, history and its bombs, but now it is a paradise that gives us hope that when we want to, we can make women more visible.
The miracle has been built by Mauricio Vila every day of his six-year term.
Not in vain has he said and pledged his word in the PAN, that they will only win back the capital, Merida, as well as the state.
The candidates will be Ceci Patrón and Renán Barreras, respectively.
A tour of Yucatán's struggle to eradicate gender violence and protect women
The government of Mauricio Vila Dosal in Yucatán has made significant progress in the protection and empowerment of women through various initiatives and programs.
Since his arrival in 2018, fairer laws have been implemented that are more in line with the current times, such as the Law against Vicarious Violence, the 3 of 3 Law, and has been raised to a maximum of 60 years in prison for the crime of femicide.
In addition, the legal framework has been strengthened by recognizing digital, political, symbolic and media violence with the creation of the Secretariat for Women (Semujeres), which promotes a life free of violence and strengthens respect for the human rights of Yucatecan women.
Through Semujeres, it has implemented programs such as the creation of the Violet Regional Centers that provide specialized services to women affected by violence, the promotion of community participation to prevent violence, and the promotion of women's autonomy and entrepreneurship, providing to date 140,231 specialized care services, 1,480 referrals and 834 support group sessions to 29,246 girls, teenagers and women, in addition to training sessions and emotional support.
Various prevention and assistance campaigns have also been carried out, such as the "Women with Safe Housing" and "Community Participation for the Prevention of Violence against Women" programs, the "Walk Safely, Walk Free" workshop, the "Living without Violence" campaign, and the "Violet Brigades".
All focused on disseminating and raising awareness about violence against women, their rights and the services that exist in Yucatan for their attention. For programs and initiatives, the Vila Dosal administration has increased the budget 122%, which has allowed the creation of a new shelter for women in situations of extreme violence whose main objective is to ensure their safety and that of their children in situations of risk.
The creation of the program for the Prevention of Pregnancy in teenagers and minors, which has included training for teachers and students, is noteworthy. This strategy was recognized by the UN and for this reason the "Promotoras Comunitarias para la Prevención" (Community Promoters for Prevention) program was launched in 2023, which provides economic support, giving priority to young Mayan-speaking women.
Thousands of women and men have participated in fairs, community tours, recreational events, workshops, courses and training sessions, as well as the implementation of a regional training program known as "911 Actions against Gender Violence", aimed at directors and members of the municipal police forces, to provide tools for dealing with women in violent situations.
The campaign for the prevention and eradication of violence has also been extended to the digital media, which has been joined by international and national institutes and secretariats, with a total of 147 agreements signed. This includes the creation of the podcast "Ser mujeres, ser Sororas" (Be women, be Sororas), which has been on the air for 29 episodes.
The Secretariat of Women in Yucatan has created several programs focused on the autonomy and empowerment of women in their personal, economic, political and social development. These include the program "Promotion of Autonomy and Empowerment of Women", "I am my own boss", "Distintivo Violeta" and "Women's Participation in the Workplace". The main objective of these programs is the economic and labor empowerment of women, and they have benefited thousands of Yucatecan women through workshops, labor linkages and events.
The "Distintivo Violeta" program seeks to collaborate with the business sector and institutions of higher education to endorse them as safe spaces and recognize their efforts in favor of gender equality and the empowerment of women.
Women's access to justice has also been promoted and improved with the creation of the State Bank of Data and Information on Cases of Violence against Women (BAESVIM), which has captured 30,926 unique files on women, and the creation of the Center for Information, Documentation and Specialized Studies on Women and Gender Relations (CEDOC) "Felipa Poot", which has the only newspaper and digital collection in the entire southeast of the country on cases of violent deaths and a bibliographic collection specializing in gender and feminist studies.
As if that were not enough, the instrument "Valuation of Risk of Femicidal Violence in Yucatan" was created to identify the risk of femicide of women and Yucatan is now part of the Committee of State Banks of the National Bank of Data and Information on cases of violence against women.
The government of Yucatan, through Semujeres, has not forgotten the political sector either and has carried out various actions to improve the political participation of women, with the objective of strengthening their skills and knowledge in public management and gender perspective.
A "Training for Women in Politics" program has been created and intensive training has been provided for women candidates and capacity building for women elected to town councils and deputies.
In addition, the Municipal Women's Instances have been strengthened through training and sensitization of municipal personnel, and agreements have been signed with municipalities and institutions to improve coordination in the development, application and monitoring of public policies for equality between women and men, such as the implementation of the program "Transversalization of the Gender Perspective" in the public administration to promote gender equality.
Quiuboles, aren't you tired of reading so much in favor of women?
Vila has fulfilled his promise to make Yucatan an example in the promotion and protection of women's rights throughout Mexico and around the world.
The opinions expressed are the responsibility of the authors and are absolutely independent of the position and editorial line of Opinion 51.

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