
By Lillian Briseño

2024 will be very significant in Mexico's history, as it will mark centuries or decades of fundamental events in our evolution. Of course, there are always reasons to celebrate as a nation, but now, especially, there are several relevant events that coincide in this year that will be necessary to remember and that we hope will not go unnoticed in the maelstrom of news that happens every day in our country.

Nothing as important as the signing of the first Constitution of the United Mexican States -on October 4, 1824-, which defined the name of the country, its territory, its system of government as a representative republic, the division of powers and the Catholic religion. That year also saw the creation of the Federal District -today CDMX- as the seat of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial powers. Two centuries separate us from those two foundational and defining events of the Mexican State.

Women at the forefront of the debate, leading the way to a more inclusive and equitable dialogue. Here, diversity of thought and equitable representation across sectors are not mere ideals; they are the heart of our community.