
By Leticia Bonifaz

Two weeks after Hurricane Otis passed through Acapulco and other municipalities in Guerrero, there is still no total count of the damage. Otis devastated Mexico's most emblematic bay and wiped out lives, homes, properties and dreams. 

We were surprised to learn that, for the next fiscal year, no specific resources were earmarked for the reconstruction of the Port and other municipalities. I imagine that the expenses to be incurred by the Mexican State -the federation, the State of Guerrero and the affected municipalities- will come from the budget items of other areas such as education, health, housing, etc. Because once the basic needs such as drinking water and electricity have been covered, after the tons of debris have been removed, the streets and avenues have been opened to traffic and security has been guaranteed, and the supply of food and medicines has been ensured, the damages suffered by the buildings of the public institutions through which other public services are provided must necessarily be quantified.

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