By Laura Manzo
Samuel Garcia came to ruin the party, what seemed to be an unprecedented presidential contest in our country, between a couple of progressive and intelligent women, was interrupted by the phosphorescent orange, who sells illusions to young people and PRIAN haters. But her bacacho was short-lived. He had a drink and a half bailada norteña, and was forced to return home before midnight, to try to govern Nuevo León again. Some of the people of Nuevo Leon say they do not want him back. No way.
And while the matter of the two governors is being settled in Monterrey, Movimiento Ciudadano comes to the cynical defense to say that they feel motivated by their words, arguing that "they managed to shake the conscience of millions of young people". Millions? Is it true?
These ten days in which Samuel and Mariana campaigned, coincided with a negative perception of Xóchitl Gálvez's campaign, which has been questioned and analyzed as a snubbed movement and lacking in strategy, after last summer when she managed to attract the attention of the media and social networks. There was even talk that Movimiento Ciudadano would soon be in second place. We will not know anymore, but that is what was talked about.
Although none of the future candidates is a worthy representative of the feminist movement and none has shown that she brings an agenda with a gender perspective, the path of the race was more hopeful and interesting than with Samuel and his innovative way of making noise - according to him, politics. But are young people really moved by this phospho-phospho-phospho couple?
It would surprise from the angle that she is a new version of the Gaviota. Celebrity in favor of politics. Politics from tiktokazos or telenovelas. The difference to note is that Mariana came to fame by her own strategy in social networks, while Angélica Rivera by strategy supported by Televisa. The other, and more important, is that Mariana has been involved in political activity, unlike the actress during Peña Nieto's six-year term. Neither of them took the honorary position of the presidency of the DIF, but the model and influencer was the head of an entity called "Amar a Nuevo León", created by her husband to coordinate, plan, manage and execute priority programs under the Public Administration.
And does it matter to the voters, to the young people, whether they are fully involved or not? But don't they care about that macho episode during the video call either? Samuel García was accused of gender violence when he told his wife: "you are showing too much leg, I married you for me, not for you to go around showing". Have they already forgotten or are millenials and centennials not as feminist as they say? But do those fed up with polarization and old politics not care about the conditions in which Samuel García left the state? But don't the young people care either that if -whether agreed with AMLO or not about the scab, the candidate of Movimiento Ciudadano splits the opposition vote in two and gives more power to Morena, who in its continuity seems to continue pushing to take power away from institutions such as INE or the Federal Judiciary and the Supreme Court of Justice, and everything ends up looking more like the years of the perfect dictatorship of the PRI?
After this convulsive weekend, those millions of young people, supposedly followers of Samuel and Mariana, were left orphaned. We will see what new chip Movimiento Ciudadano plays with, but we could give more credit to those generations and challenge them to question the candidates, just as feminists question women who, not because they are women, think that they will magically close the gender gap and put an end to male violence, that we even demand a gender agenda regardless of the identity of the candidates.
This weekend can be taken as an opportunity to push all those Mexicans between 28 and 35 years old to demand more from any of the parties; to demand more than support and social programs, a better education or a better health system. I do not believe that the youth would let themselves be dragged in ten days whether they were doubting Xochitl, Claudia or with no preference yet. While the bar of the parties is very low, that of the youth could be much higher.

The opinions expressed are the responsibility of the authors and are absolutely independent of the position and editorial line of the company. Opinion 51.

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