By Laura Brugés
The image left by President Sheinbaum's incident with Morena and Green Party legislators during the event to "Defend Sovereignty" should not surprise us. It was the consequence of what happened in the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies with the nepotism reform promoted by President Claudia Sheinbaum and which contemplated its application in 2027 but was later modified to be extended to 2030.
The speeches in the highest tribune of the country, as well as the praises to the president, are carried away by the wind. They lack credibility and support. I was listening to the coordinator of Morena, Ricardo Monreal, giving his position during the debate on the reform of sovereignty in the tribune, when he said: "I was listening to the president of Morena, Ricardo Monreal, giving his position during the debate on the sovereignty reform in the tribune, when he said:
"...Now President Claudia Sheinbaum, whom we value little, has boldly dared to propose an impressive reform. It should have been the legislators who proposed it. No one did it, no parliamentary group or any legislator."
When I heard this, I remembered my last column, in which I mentioned that legislators do not approve anything that they themselves submit. Rather, all the legislative work of this legislature has concentrated on what the Executive sends or on secondary laws to provide a legal framework after the disappearance of institutions such as the Judiciary and the autonomous bodies.
What can we say about Congressman Alfonso Ramírez Cuéllar, who was emboldened to present an initiative to correct the modification imposed by the Senate, which extended until 2030 the reform against nepotism proposed by the President? But he lacked guts -tosay the least- because the reservation he presented to correct such modification, he ended up withdrawing it himself!
Now he presented an initiative of the Federal Antitrust and Economic Competition Law, which technically would be the first one approved by a deputy in this legislature, if he is allowed to do so. But everything indicates that this will not be the case, since the legislative work of the LXVI Legislature has concentrated on approving only what was sent by the Executive, especially in matters of organic simplification, after the elimination of the IFT and the Cofece.
I say this to show that, in reality, the initiatives of the legislators do not reach the plenary. If the Legal Counsel of the Presidency submits a similar proposal or if the members of the Morenista party themselves trap it, the poor deputy would lose all credibility! He/she would lose all credibility or the streak of not approving anything presented by the legislators of the LXVI Legislature would continue. I insist: the deputies have lost the right to have their proposals taken into account.
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