
By Laura Brugés

This is not the first time that goblins appear to tamper with important rulings in the Chamber of Deputies. The discussion in San Lazaro on the reform to create the Pension Fund for Welfare ended up being postponed because inconsistencies were found in the ruling at the time the Social Security Commission sent it to the Board of Directors.

When an opinion is approved in commissions, the wording, accents, periods and commas cannot be changed, according to the regulations. However, the coordinator of the deputies Ignacio Mier attributed it to a "human error" when asked in interviews about the elves who modified a paragraph by which the transfer of the active accounts of workers over 70 years old to the Pension Fund for Welfare, and not only the inactive ones, is considered.

The session was progressing, and the suspensive motions were not admitted, until Deputy Elías Lixa took the floor and asked that the corresponding investigations be carried out and, if necessary, that the two documents be published and that responsibilities be determined if someone had modified the opinion by trickery. It was then when Morena was cornered and had to admit the changes and a recess was called.

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