By Laura Brugés

Double attempted rape is what is being attempted in the Chamber of Deputies in order to favor Cuauhtémoc Blanco's free admission for the process of his desafuero as a Morena deputy and thus face justice. It was not enough with the attempted rape of his half-sister, now with the complicity of his colleagues of the majority bench, he seeks to get away with it once again.


Although journalist Yohali Reséndiz published the case in Opinión 51 and in some other media outlets, describing in detail the details of the victim's complaint against the former soccer player, the issue did not escalate at that time. Perhaps because in such a macho society it is customary not to believe the victim or perhaps because we normalize violence against women on a daily basis. If the case had not entered the General Secretariat of the Chamber of Deputies that February 6 at 5:40 p.m., at the last minute, before the Morelos prosecutor was dismissed, the issue would have been forgotten and the legislative power and the justice system would not be put to the test right now, to see how far it is capable of going to protect rapists of women. 


I have consulted some Morena deputies, they say that they are at a crossroads when casting a vote that does not favor a fellow party member, but the internal pressure is increasingly intense and could destroy their political careers. This is also gender violence exercised by the leadership of the Morenista bench in San Lazaro, although in the interviews, the coordinator denies everything! To the victim and also to the female deputies.


What good is the elaboration of laws for women to have a life free of violence, if the same legislators are experiencing institutional violence when they want to do the right thing? 


In spite of the internal pressures, some Morenistas have revolted, as in the case of Congresswoman María Teresa Ealy (Morena), Aracely Cruz (Morena), and Anais Miriam Burgos Hernández (Morena) president of the Gender Equality Commission, who in a recent meeting of this legislative body rejected the resolution issued by the Instructing Section on the request of proceeding against Deputy Cuauhtémoc Blanco, and affirmed that on behalf of the 30 female deputies that make up this commission, they will vote so that the case is not dismissed. 


If we do the math, there are 251 women deputies in total, but the ball is in the court of those of Morena, the Green Party and the Labor Party, which total 189, if the PRI, PAN and MC legislators, who have also expressed their support for their Morena colleagues, will vote so that the case is not dismissed, the desafuero could continue with the admission of the case. In addition, only a simple majority is needed for this vote. 

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