By Laisha Wilkins
If I have learned anything in life to achieve happiness - and I call happiness to achieve stability and harmony in all areas of your life - is to have equitable relationships in all my ecosystems: family, couple, work, friendship and social.
When you understand that you must ask and give without starting from need, life changes.
Yes, relationships are worked on, they are built; they are all a dance... a tango, let's say. Sometimes you let yourself go, sometimes you keep the rhythm, sometimes you dance together. But, for that, you have to study the other person and yourself: observe him, observe yourself. You must learn to yield, to weave, but also to demand, to watch, and to know your limitations and limits. We cannot give what we do not have. Love for oneself is the inalienable principle to deserve to be loved, now and always. Regardless of our capabilities, appearance or condition, we are perfect; to the extent that we understand it, the person in front of us will understand it.
Partnerships are forged from the emotional control and clarity of the place from which they are requested. This creates partnerships that strengthen and endure. When this is understood, life becomes music.
Equity is equality, equanimity, impartiality, objectivity, rectitude, justice. Only under this understanding will any relationship, in any area, enter into harmony. If the counterpart in society - be it in the labor, family, sentimental or social spheres - does not also address and act with these values, the alliance or relationship will wear out sooner or later.
And what is the use of watering what will not bloom?

The opinions expressed are the responsibility of the authors and are absolutely independent of the position and editorial line of the company. Opinion 51.

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