By Katia D'Artigues
Rarely, in less than a minute, can such a forceful summary of such internalized and culturally "acceptable" discrimination be made. No doubt that is what Sinaloa's governor, Rubén Rocha Moya , achieved last Sunday , when in his second government report, which coincided with the World Day of Persons with Disabilities, he inaugurated the "pheometer" in just two lines.
At this point it is unlikely that he does not know what I am referring to. Although it bothers me to repeat what he said, it is necessary to do so to provide context and also to put on record how, in the 21st century, the head of the Executive of a State of the Republic, who is also a teacher by profession, could say something like that.
"We have controlled the issue of addictions, which is uglier, much uglier, than having a child with a disability or having a homosexual child," said the governor, who is a member of Morena.