By Jimena de Gortari

Mexico City is noisy, its streets and squares are exposed almost permanently to the loudspeakers announcing tamales or old iron, the transport of goods that honks its horn, the bus drivers that accompany their routes with music that booms as they pass, the airplanes that burst with their roar, the informal commerce that announces its products loudly, the street musicians accompanied by large horns, the terraces of commercial establishments with continuous activity, the motorcycles and their accelerator. The daily life of those of us who live in the city is accompanied by noise levels that exceed those recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). One of the greatest impacts of this pollutant is that it does not allow neighbors to rest and its consequences are reflected in a lack of performance and concentration, health complications and violent responses to being exposed to high decibels for long periods of time, to mention just a few. It affects very seriously those suffering from dementia, Alzheimer's or autism. This column has warned about this and also outlined some possible solutions.

Over the weekend, the mayoress of Cuauhtémoc decided to ban the sonideros at the Morisco kiosk in Santa María la Ribera.

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