By Jacqueline Camacho Rivera.
A few days ago, while meditating, I found myself questioning the activities surrounding the closing of the year. It's that time when suggestions to start the new cycle "on the right foot" invade our lives: rituals, vision boards, endless lists of dreams to fulfill, and a version of ourselves that, sometimes, is not clear where to go. Full malls, events, dinners, chaos, traffic, new outfits, gifts to buy and wrap... the frenzy seems to have no end.
Where is the space to stop and reflect on what we have experienced in these 365 days? At no time do we stop. We do not integrate the accumulated knowledge, we do not allow ourselves to be silent.
Animals instinctively hibernate in winter. They save energy, take refuge, rest. We, on the other hand, seem to go against our nature: we speed up our pace when we should slow down. So, I ask myself: when are we going to give ourselves a space for silence, for listening, for understanding what we are and what we have lived?
We have forgotten how to be thankful. Although November reminds us to do so, gratitude is something that should dwell in us every day. Today, however, I don't want to focus on that topic - a different kettle of fish - but invite you to reflect and give yourself a break. Yes, a gift. Maybe a week, or if that seems like a long time, three days, right? Well, at least one day. Neither? Then, one hour. An hour for you.
What to do with that time? Integrate. Listen to yourself. Be grateful. Be amazed by what you have experienced. Pause, however briefly, to recognize how you have changed this year. Maybe you discovered that your new favorite bread is chocolate, as I did. Maybe you were grateful for someone new who came into your life. Or you said goodbye to someone you loved, closed a cycle or learned something that now defines you.
Before you continue running, take a moment to write down everything you have experienced. A notebook can be that space where you empty your emotions and experiences. What is in you today? By writing it down, you will discover new versions of yourself and open space for different possibilities.
We cannot dream and create without stopping. Observe the gift of silence. Give your nervous system a breather, a pause that allows it to integrate and prepare for what's next. Stopping is as valid as dreaming, and both complement each other.
I invite you to schedule a day this month -yes, in the midst of the chaos-, or at least an hour, for yourself. Prepare your favorite beverage (in my case, a cup of tea), sit and listen. Reflect on the accomplishments, the dreams fulfilled, the projects accomplished and also the lessons learned from the challenges. Remember the laughter, the moments shared, the people who crossed your path, the hugs, the love and life itself.
Here are some questions you can ask yourself to close this cycle and open the space to new perspectives:
1. What were my biggest learnings this year?
2. What achievements do I feel proud of?
3. What relationships marked my life in this cycle?
4. What moments made me laugh to tears?
5. Who or what do I want to deeply thank?
6. What do I want to let go of in order to start next year with lightness and clarity?
If you are one of those who enjoy creating rituals or vision boards, be sure to empty the cup before filling it again. Give yourself this moment of active listening, of loving silence. It is an act of self-love and respect for all that you have been and will be.
Tell me, how do you give yourself spaces of love and gratitude in your life? Thank you for reading me and for taking a moment to listen.

The opinions expressed are the responsibility of the authors and are absolutely independent of the position and editorial line of the company. Opinion 51.

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