By Ivabelle Arroyo
No, it is not true that the leader of the once powerful Institutional Revolutionary Party wants to defend that institute from the government or from traitors, that he seeks to recover the lost PRI and to shield in the tricolor shirt those who are worthwhile, while hundreds (thousands) of PRI members turn their backs on a losing party or on an unpresentable leader.
The truth is that Alejandro "Alito" Moreno wants to use the remaining pieces of the huge machinery to make a tiny but efficient mercenary device.
Let me explain. This weekend, the PRI held a national assembly to modify its bylaws, a very relevant action in any private club or political institute. Changing the statutes means changing the rules, objectives, methods or identity of a party. In other words, the essence.
In general, such a decision requires proposals, explanations, discussion, convincing and, finally, a free vote. In the PRI, however, despite the fact that they have had stellar moments of ideological debate in history, they know how to skip all those steps to acclaim a single man. Does he want to be leader for a longer period of time? He wants to appoint the parliamentary coordinators, let him do it. Does he want to decide in the state tricolor benches? Why not? Let's vote. Does anyone want to count the votes? No, why not, you will see that if you are asked to raise your hand, everybody will do it. And so it was: Alito Moreno could be reelected, he will be the plenipotentiary appointer and, therefore, the captain of the mercenaries.
The PRI is not reinventing itself, but it is adjusting to the new reality. Either it disappears or it charges dearly for its minuscule existence. To whom? Whoever is left behind. If the governor of Nuevo Leon must be pressured by the national leadership of the PRI not to be a candidate, the local deputies, all under the command of Alito Moreno through the local coordinator, can be used. How? Is the example chewed up? Is it old? No, it is not that it is old. It is that it is evidence of the way Alito Moreno's nanoPRI operates. No, he will not defend the party or win elections. He will use it to protect himself and to navigate with a powerful but small ship in the waters now sailed by other pirates.
This is the fourth transformation of the PRI. By a show of hands, Alito Moreno's PRI members voted to become mercenaries.
The opinions expressed are the responsibility of the authors and are absolutely independent of the position and editorial line of the company. Opinion 51.
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