By Yoelí Ramírez, Editorial Coordinator at Meganoticias I Journalist and host at Meganoticias and NTN24.

Before searching for the missing, kidnapped or abducted, the authorities point to civilians with links to criminal groups, minimize the facts or remain silent. We have already seen it in Jalisco, Chiapas, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, Zacatecas and Sinaloa with children and teenagers included, but just because it has become recurrent does not mean it is normal.
To begin with, does the State no longer prevent? Or why have they let the criminals gain ground against the State?
It is very easy to argue that these are territories in dispute by organized crime groups, that these are settling of scores between criminals or the generational reorganization of the founding families of drug trafficking cartels in Mexico. However, neither mayors nor governors can give up their job of guaranteeing security and much less should the National Executive do so.
However, neither the Church nor the searching mothers should mediate or ask for truces to criminals. The State has the obligation to enforce the law.
By the way, what about the results of the Armed Forces in security matters?
The same erratic pattern on the part of the authorities in handling murders and massacres: it doesn't matter if they are young men, women or children who were at the wrong party or on the wrong road, or in the living room of their house, but at the wrong time.
In Michoacán we have seen the criminals themselves point out those allegedly responsible for atrocious acts and after violent days of violence, those identified as responsible appear riddled with bullets or burned in the face of unpunished silence. Nobody denounces, nobody investigates. In spite of everything, no civilian should take justice into his own hands.
It is a mistake to normalize barbarism!
Or have they already stopped the intelligence and law enforcement work to punish those responsible?
Undoubtedly, the authorities are overwhelmed and exercising the law can cost them their lives in Guerrero, Michoacán, Jalisco, Colima, Guanajuato or Zacatecas. In fact, in any corner of the country, but we do not want heroes, that is what the government apparatus is for and we must demand its effectiveness.
They should begin by recognizing the gravity and dimension of the situation and have the different levels of government do their part to strengthen the State and its institutions. At the same time, those same institutions should look out for the interests of the population, regardless of the ruling party. Coordinated intelligence work is indispensable to combat complicity between authorities and criminals and, above all, to make the rule of law and democracy prevail.
It is of no use to accuse the media for informing or to wash their hands and blame past governments, because there has been alternation throughout the country and the results have been the same. There are areas that are catalogued as extermination camps, or is it that they do not give the width?
I insist, we are normalizing insecurity and violence and the worst thing is that we are normalizing the authorities' failure to fulfill their obligations, that they are linked to criminals and that nothing happens.
These are no longer isolated bandits. In full view of everyone, criminals determine what is planted, what is sold, to whom it is bought and have set prices for chicken, beans, corn, avocado, lemons and nobody does anything about it!
Faced with the elections and the lack of results in security matters, at all levels of government, it is time to act. Otherwise, we will reach the point of no return.
It is not normal that electoral violence is on the rise or that politicians prefer to withdraw from the race precisely because their lives or their integrity as rulers are at stake. These are cries for help from democracy! Who listens to them?
Have we already had a culiacanazo or do some people really believe that "these are just things that unfortunately happen"?
The opinions expressed are the responsibility of the authors and are absolutely independent of the position and editorial line of the company. Opinion 51.
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