By Stephanie Henaro

Samuel's aspirations to be the presidential candidate of Movimiento Ciudadano have the scent of a woman everywhere you look, and that makes them interesting.
On the one hand, inversely proportional to what has traditionally happened in the elections, Samuel could become the only male candidate in the elections and this, in addition to perfuming him, already defines his candidacy a little.
Blessed or cursed among women, only time will tell, and that is why we must not forget that there is still a sector of the population with ideas from other times, which finds it hard to see a woman at the helm and that this could benefit them. But on the other hand, there are women who have not forgotten his macho attitudes and will not want to see him sitting in the presidential chair either.
It should not be forgotten that in August 2021, when he was still senator of Movimiento Ciudadano, he was the protagonist of a scandal for reproaching his wife Mariana Rodríguez Cantú for "showing too much leg" during a live broadcast in which she was wearing short pajamas and her knees were showing. All this while both were separated because she was infected with COVID-19 and they made video calls to communicate.
"I married you for me, not for you to teach me" could be the phrase written in his epitaph in the XXI Century and this, besides reminding us of the burkas, takes us back to the other woman's perfume that Samuel's candidacy also smells of.
Mariana Rodriguez is the charisma that surrounds her husband and gets him the support he doesn't get on his own. "La chavacana", who also owns a cosmetics brand, is a notable influencer in the world of fashion and beauty, and has more than three million followers, while her husband is followed by close to one and a half million.
The smell of Mariana in Samuel's candidacy becomes stronger when we realize that Rodríguez Cantú advertises in her account various makeup products -such as those of her own brand- skin care items, jewelry, restaurants and also Samuel García.
Her husband is yet another product, and among her posts about makeup and her personal life, she posts acts of government, confronts or exposes Samuel's adversaries, and tells the story of those who attend her events. In addition to making her followers part of the life of her daughter Mariel, whom they have seen grow from her mother's womb.
The convening power is not Samuel's, it is Mariana's and this is easily seen in the number of people who want to take pictures with her and the meetings that politicians from all over the country from Movimiento Ciudadano who aspire to various positions have had with her. It is she who has become one of the faces of the movement.
The latter goes beyond the Internet, it materializes in reality, and for this reason it should not be forgotten that despite the mistakes the couple made in the campaign for the governorship of Nuevo Leon, the Mariana factor made Garcia's electoral preference go from 8% to 36% in two months, and that today he is governor on leave of absence to seek the presidency.
What would Samuel be without Mariana?
Last one to leave, turn off the light.
The opinions expressed are the responsibility of the authors and are absolutely independent of the position and editorial line of the company. Opinion 51.
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