
By Rocío Correa

It is remarkable how the human sensitivity of X can become a powerful tool in your campaign, recovering personal stories that, when replicated, hundreds, perhaps thousands of people will find themselves reflected and heard.

Let's see! Was the political exercise in DiálogoX Ciudadanos with Xóchitl Gálvez convened by Unid@s por México last Sunday, October 8, interesting? The answer is a dry yes, without great enthusiasm, but at the end of the day a yes. The Zoom platform was well thought out for those of us who live abroad, three leagues supported the presence of around three thousand online participants, to this number were added one thousand participants who said they were in the WTC CDMX hall and 13 thousand followers through social networks, I can only confirm that the league I joined reached 995 participants.

It cannot be overlooked that the first 30 minutes were chaotic, many of the people present for Zoom kept the microphones open and the event manager did not close them, unheard of and unacceptable that there was no expert technician taking care of those details....

Women at the forefront of the debate, leading the way to a more inclusive and equitable dialogue. Here, diversity of thought and equitable representation across sectors are not mere ideals; they are the heart of our community.