
By Mariana Villalobos

We all should know that the type of adult we are is to a great extent a reflection of the child we were, of what the context allowed us to be, of the reality we lived in. In the same way we will be able to know the type of adults that will inhabit the country in a few years: by looking at current childhoods.  

Every day we see news in our country that tells us about the violence that is experienced at the hands of thousands of unregulated adults, the insecurity that generates anxiety of concern, the saturation of health systems due to diseases such as diabetes and cancer. 

If I told you today to think about what adulthood would be like for the more than five million nine hundred and eighty thousand children living in poverty in Mexico today, what would you think? If I asked you today to imagine what the health of the more than one million three hundred thousand children suffering from chronic malnutrition will be like in 20 years, could you imagine them as healthy people?

Women at the forefront of the debate, leading the way to a more inclusive and equitable dialogue. Here, diversity of thought and equitable representation across sectors are not mere ideals; they are the heart of our community.