By María Fernanda Orozco Olarte
It is often said that women have gained ground in the conquest of professional and business fields. Although we still have a long way to go and battles to win, there is no doubt that we have made progress. However, what about the role of mother or head of the household? This practically remains the same and has not really changed significantly. I don't know if this is due to our own decisions, to the lack of clarity in the support we require from our life partners, or to this unnecessary need to prove that we can do anything. It seems, at times, as if we are "winning the opportunity" to enter the business world on the condition that everything else keeps working perfectly. What a drain!
Being a woman entrepreneur and dedicating ourselves to what we love is an incredibly rewarding and empowering experience. It not only implies the ability to lead and make decisions that impact the growth and success of our company and those who collaborate with us, but it also represents breaking barriers and challenging stereotypes in a world traditionally dominated by men. The ability to innovate, inspire and create opportunities for other women and society at large is a source of immense pride and satisfaction. Every achievement and every goal reached is a testament to the talent, resilience and determination that define us in the business world.