By Magda Guardiola, independent journalist with a 26-year career. National and international correspondent, author of Meca Deuda: Justicia simulada, ICAI: el laberinto de la información, Homicidios LBTQ+: los asesinatos que no se cuentan and Sin juicio, exhibe Fiscalía a personas detenidas, she is a graduate of the UNAM, where she studied a Diploma in Judicial Journalism, and of the Escuela de Periodismo Carlos Septién, where she studied a Diploma in Investigative Journalism.
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Armando Guadiana Tijerina, MORENA's candidate to the government of Coahuila, launched a troll during the debate organized by local business organizations.

The prey was the candidate of the Labor Party, Ricardo Mejía Berdeja, with whom he has had friction since the internal election of the candidate of the National Regeneration Movement for the governorship of Coahuila, which he now holds and which he contested with the representative of the PT.

"Let's see if he repents and joins us," Guadiana told Mejía after agreeing with him in an accusation against the PRI-PAN-PRD coalition candidate, Manolo Jiménez Salinas, on security matters.

The possibility of Ricardo Mejia declining in favor of the candidate of MORENA is a possibility that political analysts do not discard, but Mejia himself has done so, who assures that "he would rather die than decline".

As the debates go on, the political scenario in the state takes shape. The second debate between candidates was a TUCOM, "Todos Unidos Contra Manolo", the opponents Guadiana of MORENA, Mejía of PT, and Lenin Pérez Rivera, of the coalition Unidad Democrática de Coahuila (UDC)-Partido Verde Ecologista de México (PVEM), slammed Manolo Jiménez.

The PRI member in alliance with PAN-PRD, opted to give and receive Guadiana and Lenin's reply, and avoid Mejia, who in each intervention was loaded with hard data that strengthened him against his rivals.

But, this performance and this symbolic union of the opposition in debates does not give the triumph at the ballot box, and the opposition seems either not to understand or that it is profitable for them to pretend to be in contention.

In 2017, had the PRI opponents united, they would have beaten Miguel Riquelme, who is governor thanks to the votes of the chiquillada, the small political parties-satellites of the tricolor.

The union came after the contest, the opposition tried to win in electoral tribunals but to no avail. So what did the opposition learn from 2017?

The PAN is now allied with the PRI and what is left of the PRD in Coahuila, but the other opposition? The scenario repeats itself and the alternation in Coahuila requires the union of the three opponents of Manolo Jiménez.

The cost is high and to assume it even more, since this whole process confirms day by day the alleged agreement among leaders that makes noise to the candidate of Morena, State of Mexico for Coahuila, in view of the 2024 electoral process where the Presidency of the Republic is renewed.


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