By Laura Brugés
🎧 Audiocolumn

We are facing the last great electoral rehearsal for the 2024 process, and with the elections in Coahuila and the State of Mexico, there are lessons that should not be repeated next year, but there are political leaders who think more of the individual or of internal agreements, which in the light are noticeable and discourage the electorate.

In the State of Mexico, I noticed that the issue of polls was part of the speeches that marked the candidates for the Governorship of the State of Mexico, in particular, that of the candidate of the Alianza Va x Edomex, Alejandra del Moral, who in the events I covered as a reporter, kept reiterating this phrase: "The horse that catches up wins! The polls don't vote!", referring to the points of advantage that her political rival, Delfina Gómez of Morena, had in the polls.

As if that were not enough, the messages on social networks of some opinion leaders and political parties reinforced the discourse that "Morena won, because they already sold it or agreed to it", coordinated statements, which had only one purpose: to discourage the voter, which does great harm to democracy and strengthens abstentionism. To give you an example, Alfredo del Mazo in the 2017 election, was points behind Delfina Gómez and ended up being Governor of the State of Mexico.

Or what can we say about the Movimiento Ciudadano party that a week before this election, came out to say in advance that there was a PRIMOR pact, which reinforced the supposed early triumph of Morena. Yes, we agree with them, that the PRI are the "bad guys", but why do they do it a week before the election, without having a candidate competing? What is the purpose of this kind of messages?

The factor of the Pink Tide came to play a role in this election, because this group joined the campaign to give the barrila for the undecided, abstentionism and vote buying.

The lesson: it has already been defined that Movimiento Ciudadano is going its own way, betting on a third way or repeating an alliance with the PRD and the PAN similar to that of 2018, without the PRI. This second scenario, if the PRI leader's sighs for the presidential candidacy, lead him to a rupture with his political allies. Which would not be the first time.

Polls are a perverse way of discouraging voters and the Pink Tide will have weight in the internal election for the presidential candidacy of the opposition or else there will be no citizen support.

In the case of Coahuila, the differences with the local and national leadership of the allied parties of Morena, PT and Verde Ecologista made evident the rupture between this political coalition 'Juntos Hacemos Historia'; to this, we must add the war of the so-called "corcholatas", which makes the rupture within the 4T deeper and deeper. Can you imagine Marcelo Ebrard, being the candidate of the Green Party and PT, with a fraction of Morena if he is not the anointed one of the National Palace? We shall see.

As for the PRI, the last two states it governs are at stake. And it is hoped that they will not end up in barter for embassies.


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