
By Karen Almodovar
🎧 Audiocolumn

My name is Karen Almodovar, I am 32 years old and if you ask me what it was like for me to participate as a polling place chairperson in this electoral process of 2024 I can say that I have mixed feelings, because first when I was notified that I had been selected through the lottery it was like a matter of responsibility, I automatically assumed things that did not happen (thank God) but I began to feel fear as the whole process progressed until the day of the election. 

Automatically, the thought crossed my mind that someone would try to talk to me to intimidate me or some act of that type so that one or more persons and/or parties would obtain some benefit or because of the violence that is happening every day, which I have to admit did not happen. My fears were fueled because as I was talking about being a poll worker, everyone told me to be very careful not to say anything, etc.  

I began to notice a feeling of desperation among the INE personnel, or at least among those with whom I had contact, because I understand that they were required to have all the necessary officials to cover the polling places but people did not want to participate, and they could not find a way to cover 100% of all the polling places in the municipality of Hermosillo, I saw all the work that it took for this girl named Monica, very young and very hardworking, to complete the teams in the polling places; many like her, made a great effort.  

Election day arrived and many people who have traditionally voted there went to the polling place, however, there was a rearrangement in some sections and many voters realized this when they were already at the polling place and after waiting in line for several minutes. As was to be expected, this provoked a lot of anger among voters and I do not doubt that some of them opted to abandon their efforts to cast their vote. In discharge of INE we must remember that it provided the means for us to consult in time the polling place where we had to go. 

In particular, we installed the polling place at 08:20 hrs. and there was not a single moment when people were not voting, it is important to note that we were in a school and they put two polling places in a single room that did not have the dimensions for optimal conditions, which caused people to get angry because there was no space. There was no shortage of people who tried to humiliate us, shouted at us and in some cases snatched our ballots. There was not a single incident or act of annoyance by representatives of the political parties and except for the above mentioned, the day was calm.

What did it mean to me to participate in this election? The truth is that it was an honor to serve as an INE official in this historic moment, in which many Mexicans have decided to exercise our right to elect who, regardless of the outcome, will be the first woman president of Mexico. I particularly highlight an event that filled me with emotion and hope: a little girl accompanied her mother to vote and she also asked us to put the ink on her finger and before moving on she turned to me and said: "I can also be president of Mexico, right? 

And at that moment I understood everything; I understood that regardless of the result it was a historic day, a day in which millions of women who are our ancestors dreamed; it was to be part of history and above all it was part of beginning to write a new future for all of us. 

It was clear to me that we must have a new era where inclusion and equity are the central axis of all public policies and all actions that we as citizens can execute because it is our right. 

Being part of this moment forces me to continue working so that all women know that what they dream is possible and that all girls and boys learn that with their voice they can change the world. 

On the other hand, it also fills me with anguish that I am personally expecting a lot from an uncertain future, a future where I want to reaffirm that women can, that we are strong and capable, but for that to happen we need an inclusive government that puts citizens at the center of its decisions, that listens but above all that is autonomous, respects the conditions of all people and that is fair in its actions. 

Obviously, it was an election full of contrasts, challenges and learning for everyone. Counting the votes, collecting the tally sheets, publishing the results and moving the ballot boxes became an act of love for democracy.

Finally, I believe that the Electoral Bodies must improve the organization of the day, I recommend to those who are reluctant to be polling place officials, that they allow themselves to live the experience, it is only one day, very tiring but very satisfying. I congratulate myself for having witnessed acts of courtesy and respect from many people who facilitated access to the elderly or people with disabilities. I aspire to the empathy of the citizens for those who serve as polling place officials on Election Day. I would do it again.

The opinions expressed are the responsibility of the authors and are absolutely independent of the position and editorial line of the company. Opinion 51.

Women at the forefront of the debate, leading the way to a more inclusive and equitable dialogue. Here, diversity of thought and equitable representation across sectors are not mere ideals; they are the heart of our community.