By Julieta del Río, INAI Commissioner
The Powers of the Union and the autonomous agencies must put aside our philias, phobias and colors; let us think about working for the benefit of Mexicans.
Last Thursday, the Commissioners that make up the Plenary of the National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI), in an exercise of democratic dialogue and division of powers, went before the Budget and Public Account Commission of the Chamber of Deputies to explain precisely the budget we are requesting for the fiscal year 2024.
INAI's budget request for next year was made based on the policy of republican austerity, but always thinking about the efficiency of the work we do at the Institute, never forgetting that our function is to guarantee citizens access to public information and that they know how to protect their personal information.
The right to know is not only representative and very useful in various journalistic investigations, but also has a significant and transcendental impact on the lives of Mexicans. Nowadays, citizens ask about various issues of social interest such as: the construction of the clinic in their community; issues related to education; scholarships; social programs; or about clinical records or weeks of contributions to health institutions such as IMSS or ISSSTE.
We must understand that, as the right of access to information advances, the National Transparency Platform (PNT) has evolved to further facilitate the exercise of this right. The PNT of 2016 is not the same as the one we have now; today, the platform works transversally to all public institutions and is key to consolidate a cooperative federalism.
Likewise, at INAI we carry out actions to socialize the protected rights. In this regard, since 2015 there has been the "Truth Party", which has disseminated the rights to know and to privacy among more than 90 thousand children throughout the country. We have book fairs, programs such as "INAI in your school" and visits from students of any educational level.
We also liaise with civil society organizations to raise awareness of rights among communities in vulnerable situations. In this sense, for the last 8 years, INAI has directed 126 projects, directly and indirectly impacting around four and a half million people in the 32 states. Likewise, we have the "Transparency Caravans", the National Week of Transparency, among other programs, but we must continue to strengthen them.
As Commissioner of INAI, I call for reflection and dialogue on the part of the members of all the political forces that make up the Budget and Public Account Committee, as well as the Legislative Branch in general, so that we may be able to build consensus.

The opinions expressed are the responsibility of the authors and are absolutely independent of the position and editorial line of the company. Opinion 51.

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