By Isabel Uribe

The majority group bet on "Plan C" in the election of councilors of the National Electoral Institute. The confusion caused by the resolution of Minister Javier Laynez Potisek to suspend the application of the electoral reform, known as Plan B, accelerated the election of the largest possible number of profiles related to a political current: the one in government.
The possibility of reaching agreements on appointments has never been the main bet of this government; on the contrary, it has been mentioned time and again that this would not be an appointment of "quotas or quacks", as in the times when the composition of the Chamber of Deputies allowed it. Thus, in a scenario where the required two-thirds vote is not achieved for the appointment of INE's councilors and president councilor, the bet has been clear: to ensure the largest possible number of seats in the General Council for Morena, without putting at risk any seat at stake, much less in the insaculation.
Out of twenty finalists, at least twelve are close to government officials, either in terms of work, party or kinship. In addition to Bertha María Alcalde Luján, known for being the daughter of Bertha Luján, former president of the National Council of Morena and sister of the current Secretary of Labor, there is Guadalupe Álvarez Rascón, daughter of Morena Senator José Antonio Álvarez Lima, both are in the "golden quintet" to preside over the body that will organize the elections for the next nine years.
There is also the case of Netzaí Sandoval Ballesteros, brother of the former Secretary of Public Function Irma Eréndira Sandoval or Guadalupe Taddei Zavala, who also aspires to the presidency of the electoral body, current president of the Transparency Institute in Sonora, cousin of Jorge Luis Taddei, superdelegate of the federal government in the state of Sonora and aunt of Daniel Taddei, appointed as director of the company LitioMX. In addition to those already mentioned, there are those who have been pointed out by María Esther Azuela in her private vote and who are close to a governor of the so-called 4T.
If the call established that criteria of autonomy and independence, professional trajectory, achievements and participation in democratic matters, among others, would be applied in the review of files, it is necessary to ask what happened inside the Committee . In addition to the secrecy with which it worked, met and concluded its mandate, the Committee applied a "peculiar" design, questioned even by Azuela Gómez herself, who considered that the raison d'être of the Committee did not "rest solely on the sum of quantitative criteria, but also on the qualitative assessments that had to do with the impact of the public presence of the candidates".
On Friday, March 24, in the Legislative Palace of San Lazaro, a few hours before the deadline for announcing the list of finalists, members of the evaluation committee were entering and leaving the room where they were meeting, talking on the phone and returning to the conclave. The esplanade seemed deserted, a tense calm enveloped the political wait that was broken at the stroke of twenty hours, when the political circle was shaken, when the resolution of Minister Laynez was made known, theelectoral reform would not be applied, and with it the obligatory question, how much this decision accelerated the overreaction of the ruling party to have the largest number of candidates related to their party current.
The technical part has concluded, the decision is now in the merely political field, the Political Coordination Board will make a proposal for each of the lists presented, by March 29 at the latest it must submit them to the vote of the parliamentary coordinators and will notify the Board of Directors, so that the Plenary may vote on each of the proposals. In case the vote does not reach the required qualified majority, they will be returned to the Jucopo, in order to reach the necessary consensus.
If by March 30 the two thirds required for their approval are not reached, the Board will call a plenary session on Friday, March 31 to elect the four new INE counselors by insaculation or, in other words, through a drawing of lots. If the insaculation does not take place, the decision would be in the hands of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation.
The question is which opposition parties would give Morena a yes to approve its "Plan C", although the reality is that with the PRI it would be enough...
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