By Bárbara Tijerina

No emotion without bodily response.
Willliam James
Claudia arrived in her car hand in hand with her husband, with whom, by the way, she had no eye contact. Alvarez Maynez arrived in an orange bus hand in hand with one of her children and Xochitl on her traditional bicycle and in her fresh and spontaneous style.
Claudia arrived dressed in a tailored suit in the traditional Morena color and with discreet makeup. Alvarez Maynez, wearing a jacket and white shirt, looked youthful. Xóchitl on this occasion instead of the colorful suits opted for a white suit, which in politics is associated with the women's struggle for the vote, as well as purity.
The debates are the only moments where we have the opportunity to see them side by side. We did not want to see them passive, and there were attacks. At the beginning, nerves prevailed and we saw an Alvarez Maynez with a frozen smile that generates distrust.
Their facial and body expressions make us believe or disbelieve what they are saying. Their way of arguing and defending their proposals give us an idea of the kind of leadership they could have. We wanted to see the capacity of reaction and we noticed that when Xóchitl attacked Claudia directly there was no clear answer and she continued with her speech. Xóchitl despite the time limits always responded to the attacks.
Xochitl started nervous and loosened up as the debate progressed; she faced Claudia Sheinbaum, looking her in the face and with data regarding the handling of the pandemic and the misuse of Ivermectin. The Morena candidate did not make eye contact with the other candidates, which is delicate if we know that we grant the look to whom we consider valuable, the issue of not looking is a form of contempt.
Xóchitl Galvez had full knowledge of what she was arguing, agility and spontaneity, she used her hands symmetrically and showed her palms, when it was not her turn she reviewed her notes. Claudia was very conscious of taking care of her posture and her speech, she was once again in her role, rigid and with delicate topics she usually protects herself with her arm creating a barrier. Claudia makes seriousness her weapon, Xóchitl has the closeness.
Candidate Alvarez Maynez drank water whenever he could, which showed his nervousness.
The closing was very dull, Claudia with her flat, rehearsed speech and Xóchitl unfortunately read her notes, thus losing emotion and eye contact.
And the "detail" or slip that will be talked about is Xóchitl who made her last statement embracing a flag where the symbol was upside down.
The opinions expressed are the responsibility of the authors and are absolutely independent of the position and editorial line of the company. Opinion 51.
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